A major in philosophy will prepare you for almost any professional pursuit you may choose, including careers in business, law, science, health care, education, the media, and nonprofit organizations.
Careers and Internships

What can I do with a degree in philosophy?
Career Fields
- Public policymaking
- Management
- Law
- Biomedical ethics
- Secondary or university teaching
- Social services
- Research and government think tanks
- Communications fields
Where do Clark philosophy students intern?
Where do Clark philosophy majors attend graduate school?
Where do Clark philosophy alumni work?

Career and Internship Opportunities for Philosophy Majors
Clark’s Career Connections Center can help you develop a plan for pursuing your career goals. Also check out ClarkCONNECT, which links you with alumni mentors and employers, and Handshake, Clark’s online job search website.

Clark Funding for Undergraduate Internships and Research
Interested in pursuing an internship, research, or creative project, but wondering how you’ll pay rent? Apply for Clark funding to support your experience during the school year or summer. Visit the Career Connections Center in the Shaich Family Alumni and Student Engagement Center.
Contact Information
Department of Philosophy
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Beck House
11 Loudon Street
Worcester, MA 01610 - 1-508-793-7414
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